
The Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival was founded in 2003 with a mission is to keep the history of the sea alive; the days of sail by performing sea shanties, songs of the sea and Cornish songs. Spread across from Friday until Sunday, featuring pop-up bars and music stages throughout Falmouth town, bringing shanty groups from across the UK, Brittany, Holland, Spain, Canada and Ireland together in a celebration of all things nautical.

Here you will find all the latest Falmouth shanty news, as well as articles dating back to when the International Falmouth Sea Shanty Festival all began…

Sea Shanty Festival Cancelled for 2020

A unanimous decision has been made that Falmouth’s International Sea Shanty Festival, 12th – 14th June has been cancelled due to COVID-19.

Coronavirus Update

Planning is going ahead as normal at the moment and we will make sure to adhere to national guidelines. With the fast pace and daily changes of guidelines to…

Tickets on sale now for our annual shanty concert!

Saturday 13th June at The Poly, Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion will feature performances from Barnacle Buoys, The Harry Browns of Bristol, The Longest Johns and the Severn Whalers.

Alan Whitbread, Shanty through and through

It is with great sadness that we have have to inform that Alan Whitbread passed away in the early hours of March 4th 2020.


We are pleased to announce that The Greenbank Hotel are to be a key sponsor of the festival moving forward!

Falmouth Sea Shanty Fundraiser

What better way to welcome in the new year than with a night filled with shanty singing!